Customer Service Hot Potato -2

( Customer Service Hot Potato -1 ) “Mid-afternoon I decide to resolve the Trip Planner issue”.

To the young lady who comes on line I explain how, when I try to get from “4340 Bloor Street West”, to “downsview subway station”, the Trip Planner fails me.

“Just a moment” she says, and there is a wait of a minute or two.

My guess is that she is trying to mimic my actions. Fair enough.

But it’s only a guess.

She comes back on the line; “It works fine for her”.

As if that is a solution to my problem.

I explain that I’m a customer trying to use the system and it doesn’t work for me.

I need help here!

No. It works fine for her.

What’s the problem?

The problem is that at the TTC end they know what to type. At the worried customer end we don’t know the tips’n’tricks.

I experienced this about 4 years ago when I was struggling to understand why - according to the onlune schedules - the 112 northbound bus ceased running before 5 p.m.

I’d seen it running up The West Mall much later than that.

The answer was two-fold (a) the Customer information uses a different system to see what buses are doing; we customers don’t get access to something that works and (b) I am supposed to know that if I want to know northbound times after 5 p.m., I should check out the southbound schedules, even though I want to travel north!

I am getting nowhere in this conversation, even when I make a positive suggestion that I should come and work for the TTC so that I could have access to systems that work.

After 8 minutes the young lady closes her case with “It works for me”, and I am left stunned.

I didn’t call to check that all was well in her world!

I ask to speak to a supervisor, and am transferred. I suspect that Customer Information is glad to get rid of me.


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